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00005 #include <utils/Linear.h>
00007 #include "VehPosePlayer.h"
00008 #include "VehPoseSource.h"
00010 bool VehPosePlayer::open(utils::ConfigFile& params,
00011                          utils::SymbolTable* globals)
00012 {
00013   // setup the player manager
00014   // the player manager takes care of all of the interactions between the
00015   // data file and the time source
00016   if (!"VehPose.rad", params, globals))
00017     return false;
00019   // get the actual canned data reader from the manager
00020   _player = _mgr.getPlayer();
00022   // clear the input area
00023   memset(&_input_area, 0, sizeof(_input_area));
00025   // check versions
00026   int major_version = _mgr.getPlayer()->getHeader().
00027     getInt("int DataFormat.version_major", 1);
00028   int minor_version = _mgr.getPlayer()->getHeader().
00029     getInt("int DataFormat.version_minor", 1);
00030   // note, you don't have to simply reject other version, you can
00031   // try and adapt here
00032   if (major_version != 1 && minor_version != 0) {
00033     printf("VehPosePlayer::init:  Cannot read version %d.%d\n",
00034            major_version, minor_version);
00035     return false;
00036   }
00038   // Tell the player to expect pose.  We don't store any element references
00039   // because we know these are all simple, flat structures which don't have
00040   // to be cleaned up
00041   _player->expect("x", "double", &_input_area.x);
00042   _player->expect("y", "double", &_input_area.y);
00043   _player->expect("z", "float", &_input_area.z);;
00044   _player->expect("ori", "[float : 4]", &_input_area.ori);
00046   // Ready the player for action
00047   return _player->setup();
00048 }
00050 bool VehPosePlayer::advance()
00051 {
00052   // advance the file pointer, if necessary, 
00053   // and cache the last read time for later
00054   // the player manager takes care of all the necessary interactions with
00055   // time, i.e., does reading advance time, or do we observe time to see
00056   // where to read.
00057   return;
00058 }
00060 void VehPosePlayer::set_pose(VehPose& pose)
00061 {
00062   pose.pos = utils::Vec3d(_input_area.x, _input_area.y, _input_area.z);
00063   pose.ori = utils::Rotation(_input_area.ori[0], _input_area.ori[1],
00064                              _input_area.ori[2], _input_area.ori[3]);  
00065 }
00067 bool VehPosePlayer::getCurPose(utils::Time& time, VehPose& pose)
00068 {
00069   set_pose(pose);
00071   // and set time from cached value
00072   time = _play_time;
00074   return true;
00075 }
00077 bool VehPosePlayer::nextPose(utils::Time& time, VehPose& pose, bool blocking)
00078 {
00079   if (blocking || (!blocking && _mgr.poll())) {
00080     if (!advance())
00081       return false;
00082   }
00083   return getCurPose(time, pose);
00084 }
00086 bool VehPosePlayer::getPose(utils::Time time, VehPose& pose)
00087 {
00088   // get pose before target
00089   utils::Time prev_time = time;
00090   if (!_player->get(prev_time)) {
00091     return false;
00092   }
00093   VehPose prev_pose;
00094   set_pose(prev_pose);
00096   // if we have an exact match, return
00097   if (time == prev_time) {
00098     pose = prev_pose;
00099     return true;
00100   }
00102   // get pose after target
00103   utils::Time next_time;
00104   if (!_player->next() || !_player->process(next_time)) {
00105     return false;
00106   }
00108   // if we have an exact match, return
00109   VehPose next_pose;
00110   set_pose(next_pose);
00111   if (time == next_time) {
00112     pose = next_pose;
00113     return true;
00114   }
00116   // if we do not have two different elements, we cannot extrapolate
00117   if (prev_time == next_time) {
00118     time = utils::Time();
00119     return false;
00120   }
00122   // attempte to interpolate between the two poses
00123   double period = (next_time-prev_time).getValue();
00124   double elapsed = (time-prev_time).getValue();
00125   double t = elapsed/period;
00127   VehPoseSource::interpolate(prev_pose, next_pose, t, pose);
00128   return true;
00129 }  

Generated on Fri Jun 16 13:21:19 2006 for ModUtils by  doxygen 1.4.4